I love to sew, mainly quilts and bags. I am 66, married to Fred and have one son, Matthew, who is 27. I enjoy embroidery and applique and prefer to machine piece and quilt my projects. I love my vintage Singer sewing machines especially my Featherweight 222K. I’m enjoying treadling on my 201K Singer and I collect Miniature Sewing Machines and currently have three Essex , one Singer 20, one Singer 40, two Vulcan Miniatures and my latest, a Grain. My love of sewing I believe comes from my Grandmother - I still have the drawings she made for me to embroider on tea towels many many years ago!

Sunday, 19 February 2012

IN A WORD....... OR TWO!

Everyone in blogland seems to be unhappy with the new TWO WORD VERIFICATION system that blogger has introduced.

I have left a few comments in the last 24 hours and I didn't have any trouble "getting it right".  If you can't understand the two words, you just have to click on the "REFRESH" icon (the circle arrow) and another two words will pop up.

Reading so many blogs who were really quite upset about this, I decided to disable the word verification and enable the comment moderation.  Well, I'm sorry.... but I have had so many SPAM comments since doing this that I've changed my settings yet again.  I'm trying REGISTERED USERS allowed to comment but without the comment moderation as that also drives you crazy!  So, if you are ANONYMOUS you won't be able to leave a comment.  If I continue to get lots of SPAM, I will change back to enabled WORD VERIFICATION.

So, if you are trying to leave a comment and find you are unable to, please let me know via email as I do want to get this right.

I've been sewing today and working on the applique project for the Tuesday Craft Group I belong to.  I'll take some photos on Tuesday to show you what we are making,

Happy Sewing!!


  1. I have not had trouble with spam and I really do dislike the word verification. It is frustrating when you want to real blogs and you have alot to read....

  2. I disabled word verification some months back and haven't had a single problem. I hope enabliing Registered Users helps for you. Blogging isn't supposed to be so frustrating!!

  3. I'm not having any trouble with it either! Thanks for the info though.

  4. So frustrating to have those spam comments. I don't like the word thing but I am glad to do it for the protection of other bloggers.

  5. I took mine off, and after an initial flurry of rubbish, it's gone quiet on the western front. I hope the spammers don't start jumping up and down with joy!

  6. I think that I would prefer the word verification over spam any day.

  7. I don't have word verification and I don't like it. Most of the time I get frustrated because I cannot read the letters so I just don't leave a comment. I never have spammers, could be my security system.

  8. It's just more time consuming.. which cuts down on blog commenting in general. I only type one word anyway but I prefer the OLD type. I haven't had any spam though. :)

  9. I've decided to give mine a try with the word verification turned off too; haven't had spam yet but will see what happens longer term. Have a nice day!!
